“Nicolae Testemitanu” University - leader among the universities of the Republic of Moldova present in 2023 MosIUR International Ranking
- 1063 просмотра
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova maintains its position 901-1000 in the international ranking of The Three University Missions (MosIUR) 2023, 7th edition. At the same time, our university is the leader among three higher education institutions from the Republic of Moldova present in this rating.
Rector of the University Emil Ceban believes that maintaining the respective ranking is a result of the joint effort of the entire university team:
"We appreciate the contribution of each member of Nicolae Testemitanu University family to increasing the visibility of Alma Mater at the national and international level".
In the current edition of MosIUR ranking, the number of universities increased from 1,800 to 2,000, compared to last year. The ranking evaluates, based on 16 indicators, the quality of education (45%), scientific activity (25%) and the contribution of universities to society (30%). The best 2000 universities from 112 countries were selected from a list of more than 2300 higher education institutions from 165 countries.
Preluarea informației de pe site-ul USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” poate fi efectuată doar cu indicarea obligatorie a sursei și a linkului direct accesat pe www.usmf.md.